Let's play guess the illness.....

Thought I would update on Neon for those of you that have asked about him.... We received his Valley Fever tests back and they were negative so that was a good thing! I was doing some research on the internet after talking to someone about his symptoms and found something called IVD that comes on suddenly and affects the inner ear and balance, so I am kind of leaning that way because although he does not have all the symptoms he does have enough to make me believe that he has IVD. Basically there is no cure as it usually just goes away on its own within about 3-4 weeks, so I guess time will tell! I have been bringing Neon to work with me so that I can monitor him and he seems to be doing very well and enjoys hanging out with mom and I. There are times when he stumbles and falls a lot then other times when you would never know something was wrong (usually when there is food involved, LOL)
So I guess that is all that I have as far as an update right now, I will keep you posted in the following weeks to let you know if this strange illness goes away.


Ron said…
Hey Shawna,

I hope Neon is better soon. He has always been such a great dog and I'm sure your loyal companion. I still remember when he was just a cute little pup in training.

Keep us updated and I'm sure this strange illness will vanish in no time.
I hope he feels better soon, and I hope you figure out what has been causing it!

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