Birthday Boy

How do you sit and explain to people how much joy you have in your heart for your first born on his birthday but also how much your heart hurts for his sister that isn't here?!  7 years ago we were blessed with the birth of our twins, Mckenzie and Cole.  Every year at this time I sit and reflect on how smart, kind hearted and beautiful Mckenize would have been, just like her brother, if she were here.  Mckenzie may not be here with us, but she is in Heaven celebrating her birthday with such an Awesome God and that is what gets me through these times.

Cole.... Where do I start with you little dude?  You have such a generous heart, smart mind and goofiness about you.  You constantly amaze me with your abilities in everything you try!  You have taught me so much about myself in your short 7 years that I hope makes me a better mom to you!  
I love you more than you will ever know! 
Happy Birthday Coconut!! 

Cole has had a great birthday this year.  He was able to celebrate several times so far with 1 more to go on Thanksgiving.  He had a dual party with family friends as their little girl Ava was also turning 7! 

Levi, Cole and Isaia 

Cole and Ava with their Mermaid & Pirate theme party.

On Cole's actual birthday we gave him a set of golf clubs.  He has decided that is the sport he wants to do and was beyond excited for his own set!!
As an added surprise we all went to Top Golf for his birthday dinner so he could use his new clubs to practice hitting balls into different holes from the 3rd floor of the building!  He even got a few in the 50 yards hole!!!! 

Cody wanted to try too

Cole picked out a chocolate cake for his birthday cake.  That kid LOVES chocolate! 

Hiking boots for his other passion.  He has decided he loves hiking a mountain by our house!

The next day Grandpa and Vicky came up to celebrate Cole's birthday too and take us to dinner.  
Grandpa was really good at over seeing Cole's Lego building skills.  LOL  This kid blows me away with how quickly he puts these sets together.  He is currently on the 9-14 age sets!!  I think we now have more Legos than half the stores in our area.  


Oh, mama. I wish I could give you a big hug right now!

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