Little bits of our March

Hard to believe we are already at April 1!! 
Our March started out with Cole losing not 1 but 2 teeth!!!  How did our little guy grow up so fast?!
He was pretty scared when he noticed his teeth were loose, but once we explained it happens to everyone he calmed down.  He received 4 quarters for both his teeth.  

Spending some time with my snuggle bug while Coconut is in school!
I am trying to saver every moment with these guys because I know it is going by so fast.  

Making decisions!  He has started to get this look along with his famous "Hmmmm let me think" before answering each question.  It is really funny because we can't figure out where he came up with it.

We also spent the month going to lunch and bowling with friends while on Spring Break.
It is amazing to me that Cole has become such close friends with Ellison and Eme (twins).  It's like to just knows... He was asking me lots of questions about twins the other day and we realized he has several as friends and relatives.  :)

 We spent time with cousins!  The boys just adore their cousin Hailey!!  

We went to visit the fountain in Fountain Hills.  2 days in a row. :)

I love that they are starting to bond more.  Don't get me wrong they still fight but they seem to do more together now. 

 We felt so honored to receive the cutest care package from a friend (we hope to meet in person one day).  She was doing a 21 day act of random kindness in honor of Down Syndrome Awareness on March 21st.
 It came at the perfect time!  We absolutely love supporting this family!  We look forward to seeing Liam grace our computer screens every day!!
Thank you Stefanie & Liam!

We celebrated the resurrection for our Lord on Easter followed by some Easter baskets and egg hunts.  

The boys showing off their new sunglasses from the Easter bunny.

Can I just say that is absolutely melts my heart to hear Cole tell me "Look mommy I am drawing a picture of Jesus up on the cross!  You know he died for us and rose again and is in Heaven"!!


I love monthly photo recaps! Great pictures! And I hope to one day meet you all, too. XOXO

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