Happenings at the Melton house....

Wow what a week!  Wayne got an emergency phone call while at work from his sister Lisa that his other sister in TX had taken a turn with her sickness and was in the hospital.  Without hesitation we decided he needed to go with his 2 sisters to see what they could do to help.  So they hopped on a plane and went out.  He was gone for about a week then decided to drive one of the vehicles home with his sisters 2 dogs.  He has been fighting with himself feeling like he should have stayed longer (his 2 sisters are still there) however he knows that he has many obligations here and he needed to return. We received a call today that it is not looking good and his sister may not survive another week, so Wayne may be flying back out to TX soon. Please keep him in your prayers as he is going tonight to deliver the news to his parents.
We now have 4 large dogs in our household with less than 3 weeks left before baby Melton arrives.  It's hard to believe that it is under 3 weeks away!  My body is saying please have these 3 weeks go by super fast while my mind is saying no it's happening to fast!  With Wayne in and out of town it has been a little hectic, not being able to go to work and start finalizing some things, etc., however our niece Emily has been a huge help to me. 
I have a quick weight in on Thursday but so far everything is moving along great and I'm actually a little under the weight the doctor recommended I gain (I'm happy with that as it means less to loose).  Baby Melton seems to be right one schedule and is extremely active!!!  It makes me laugh when I ask Cole if he is going to have a baby soon and he says yes then pats my belly.  Can't wait to see if we will have a boy or a girl so exciting!!!!  Due date get here soon but not to soon for Wayne!  


I'm so sorry to hear the sad news. My thoughts and prayers are with his family.
On the flip side, I am so excited for you!!! I can't wait to hear what you have! And I can't believe you only have 3 weeks to go. Slightly jealous! ;)

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