Whirlwind of a week

Over the weekend we celebrated Cole's 1st Birthday!  It is hard to believe that it has been a year.  Cole wanted to be able to brag that he had finally gotten his first tooth before his birthday so...on October 19th he got his first tooth, then on November 5th he got his second, and as of yesterday his top two are trying to break through!!  I can't believe that he has gotten 4 teeth in 4 weeks!!!  Nothing like going for the gusto! LOL
Here are a few photos of him enjoying his cupcake!  He cried at first when we sang (mostly due to the fact that he was tired and ready for bed) but once he dug his hands into that icing he was in hog heaven!  He LOVED being allow to just go at it!

Balloon that Daddy got him

The cake that mom and I made from scratch.  I found a wonderful icing receipe and it was so yummy!!

Birthday photo with mom and dad

 I made a rainbow cupcake for him. The cake was red & yellow and the icing was blue & green.

Nom nom nom

Getting a bath in the kitchen sink to get all the icing off

Thanks for making the water warm

He got a lot of gifts.... This is his first matchbox car from daddy!



I can't believe he's one! He really enjoyed his cake!

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