Growing and Growing

Our little guy is growing and growing every day!! 
I had forgotten to post our last doctor visit... According to the charts Cole is doing awesome!  He has his own little chart that they go by because he was early so he doesn't follow the normal 40 weeker scale.  I kept wondering why his numbers looked different and when people would say "my child is in the 90% etc.." I couldn't figure out what he was, then she told me he can't be compared to that chart.  So I will just make up my own and say that he is in the 100% lol. 
Anyway his numbers were great.  He is now 15 lbs 2 oz and 27" long! 
I can't believe that he was only 5 lbs 3 oz and 18 1/2" long when he was born 7 1/2 months ago.  Wow how time flies!!! 
We have started him on meats this past week.  It is hilarious to watch the faces he makes when I give him chicken.  (I'm sure all of you out there that have had children are bored with this and think yea I know I've been there, please bare with me as it is all new to me.)  :0)
I can tell that he really does not care for the chicken however he eats it (sometimes I pretend to please me) because he knows that he will get a spoonful of yummy sweet potato after each spoonful of chicken; which he really likes.  I know I mentioned starting him on hummus but I keep forgetting and I don't want to completely overload the poor kid.  I have a tendency to bombard him with lots of new things forgetting that he needs time to adjust between each item.  Heeheehee
Well next week we are heading out to CA so I will let you know how he fairs in the hotel and beach arenas.  (he is a child that seems to have a hard time sleeping in areas other than his own room) Why oh why couldn't he be more like my mom said I was as a baby, curling up in any corner to go to sleep if I was tired?!! (instead he seems to have inherited my monkeyness, you know the ability to do just about everything with your feet as if they are hands, I know you were thinking looks weren't you!  He will be climbing trees before we know it!!)

Happy 4th of July weekend to all!!


Neither of my kids will sleep anywhere but their cribs so I'm with ya on that one! And Allie hated chicken too, she would totally gag when I would give it to her! Poor kids :)
It sounds like he's growing well!!!

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