First Plane Ride

Last Friday we decided to take a trip up to Durango for the weekend to get away and relax.  With everything that has been going on lately we thought it would be nice to take in some fresh air and different scenery.  Unfortunately Wayne had to work so just Cole and I went.  :( 
Cole did amazing on the flight!!  I am so glad to see that he seems to have inherited his father's stomach for flying and not mine... flying and my stomach are not good friends but that story is for another day. 
We had a very nice weekend and the weather was GORGEOUS!!  Wish I would have gotten more photos of our outing to town but my camera died so all I have are a few from our flight and hanging out at the house. 

          This flying stuff is a cinch

A view of us leaving the valley

Hanging out in the fresh air with Nanah

Just had to include this one for the cuteness factor!!


What a cutie! I'm glad he did so well!

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