Blink of an eye

Wow, it is so hard to believe that my little Cole man is 2 months old already! He is such a good baby! Don't get me wrong he does have his moments of crying and wanting nothing but to be in my bed with me... but the happier times far out way those little moments of insanity. :)
Coleiooo you are starting to focus in on things and are totally fasinated with the ceiling fan. You are smiling more and starting to make those little cooing sounds that I hope will soon turn into giggles. You have finally graduated from preemie clothes into newborn, Yay Cole!
We love you and are so thankful for you in our lives!

At the hospital (you are almost always smiling like this)

This past week (we went up to CO for my birthday and had to put you in a snowsuit)


Happy two-month Birthday Cole!

ps Your friend Reese loved ceiling fans too.
He is so cute!!!
Happy 2 months, Cole!

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