Nice Weekend

Since I don't have any plans for traveling before the babies are born we have been hanging out around town a lot. My mom has been a jet setter for the past couple weekends which is nice because she deserves it! She never goes anywhere, just works works works, so it was good to see her excited about traveling to Seattle and Montana.

We had a pretty nice weekend! Friday night we did taco night and watched a movie at home. Saturday I had to do a little work but Wayne came with me then we headed over to Babies R Us to check things out. I had Wayne test drive the stroller that I really want (and he really liked it too) then we headed over to the rocking chair area and stayed there forever testing out all the chairs. I think that we narrowed it down to 2 different ones (geez who knew those things could be so expensive! lol) We then decided to go home and relax for a bit before heading over to Wayne's brother Guys for an hour or so before going to dinner with Wayne's crew. We went to Maggiano's and had a great time!! My gosh do they serve a lot of food!!! We finished off the night by all going to play shuffle board, our favorite past time! Yesterday we hung out by the pool with Shauna (Seth was busy studying for his finals) then went to see Toy Story 3. What a cute movie! I know we are behind the times since most of the national probably went and saw it weeks and weeks ago. I couldn't help but laugh every time I heard Wayne laughing at the Ken doll segments.

Well it is now back to the daily grind at work... ugh Maybe it will fly by and Saturday will be here again before I know it!!!


It sounds like a nice weekend! I remember those days of researching baby gear!

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