Quick trip

So the dogs and I made a quick trip up to Durango this past weekend to just get out of the heat and hang out at the house. Although I ended up working on the house with my mom and John it was still a very nice weekend. On Friday (after about 4 hours sleep) mom and I delivered an area rug for a client and had lunch & wandered around town with Mickie, it was a very nice day! On Saturday we ended up power washing the whole deck and going to dinner and having margarita's in Bayfield. Sunday morning we got up and after realizing that the rain might just stay away for a little while mom and I re-stained/sealed the deck While we were doing all of this John was laying stone on the three pillars in the front of the house, they turned out awesome! We then went into town and had some ice cream and watched all the bikers.
It was hard to come home on Monday, the weather was soooo nice and cool, however Wayne was patiently awaiting for my return and had steaks on! Yummmm!!!
Here are a few shots of the doggies hanging out in the yard.

(my little ham, he will pose for anything!)
Ahhh this is the life, hanging out in the beautiful weather and nice greenery!

(her not as much, can't seem to sit still)
Where is that chipmunk?? I know I saw him go under here!!!


Alissa Mott said…
Shawna, your dogs are SO cute. I love dogs and would love to adopt one..but won't do it for a long time. Hershey HATES dogs, and with everything going on with her, I want her to be as happy as she can be! :) Its so true, they become your best friends and family..and Hershey is definitly like my baby, I just love taking care of her. Even though we spent so much money, I know it was worth it..since she is doing better! I will never understand how people can treat animals badly!
I'm so jealous you have a get-away like that! AND, there's something about cooler weather that makes working not so tough. But still, I hope you had enough time to relax. :)
It sounds like you had a really nice weekend! The dogs are so cute!!!
Ashley said…
Hi, you left a comment on my blog a little bit ago about my poor dog passing. I have some insight for you about your dog. Although, it is not the best of news. Buck, was experiencing the same types of symptoms when it all sstarted. He couldnt stand up, we took him to the emergency vet, they tried saying he had leukemia and wanted to put him down. We refused. We took him home then to another vet. He was diagnosed with Vertigo (it affects dogs the same as humans). Vertigo has 2 origins... Vestibular Disease is what they call it. There is central and peripheral. Central is caused by the brain which is from another underlying problem usually a brain tumor... :( Peripheral is caused by the sight mainly and goes away. Buck was thought to have had peripheral until he developed more symptoms a few weeks later. He later was diagnosed with Nasal Tumors (which are common in older retrievers unfortunately and can be known by nose bleeds Buck was having MAJOR nose bleeds, oh, and he developed a lump above his right eye) and we believe it spread to his brain and caused central vestibular disease. He lived for about 6 months after the initial diagnosis. I am sorry and really hope this is not Neon's issue! I just thought Id share what we had learned from the experience. Buck was such a happy go lucky boy through all of his problems in late life...sometimes you would never even know he was sick...

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