Our new addition

We have added a new addition to our household, in some respects it feels to soon but in others not. I did not realize how much life Kota brought into our house until he was gone. All last week I dreaded going home each night knowing that he would not be there. Our other animals were feeling the emptiness as well, they just didn't seem to have that spunk or energy to play, everyone was in mourning. Wayne has been very good about letting me know that there was no right or wrong time to get another kitten that whenever I was ready he would go with me and we would see what we could find. So on Saturday we went to a woman's house that runs Foothills Animal Rescue and ended up looking at about 40-50 cats. Now mind you I could NEVER have 40-50 cats in my home, but I am glad that there are people out there that do not mind that because they are saving these poor little kitties from the heat of AZ! We ended up leaving without a cat (so that we could go home and discuss the pros and cons of the different ones we had seen) Wayne had fallen in love with a little black & white kitten while I was drawn more towards a tiny 5 week old Siamese looking cat. In the end after we discussed our thoughts to each other I chose to follow Wayne's gut and go back for the little black & white kitty and I am sooo glad I did! I went and picked him up on Sunday afternoon while Wayne was working to surprise him Monday morning when he came home. This little cat is sooooo great!! The best way that I can describe him is a mixture between my 2 favorite cats. He has Josie's personality of wanting to be out and around people while he also has Kota's playful, run around the house like a crazy cat but also snuggle with my new mom & dad personality. I know that God had his reasons for Kota not being in our life anymore as hard as it has been to accept but maybe he needed to leave me so that we could save this one?! Whatever the case I feel blessed to have them both in my life! Thank you Lord for helping me find the perfect fit for my heart! :)

Now that I have rambled.... Here is our new baby!
HEMI (aptly named for the non-stop purring he makes like a hemi engine)


Soooo cute! I can't wait to meet your new kitty!

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