Traffic Accident

So I have been thinking a lot about life and how fragile it is this past weekend. On Saturday I was on my way to my brother-in-laws to drop something off and as I was at the intersection of Lone Mountain / Scottsdale Rd. I witnessed a horrible accident right in front of me! This is the first time I have ever seen an accident first hand. Let me tell you it scared the bageebee's out of me!! My first thought was, is this real?! It looked like something out of a movie, but after 2 seconds I backed up my car (because I was in the left turn lane and wanted to somewhat block the road so no one else would come up on us) I then jumped out of my car and ran up to one of the drivers. I won't go into all the details but it was very very bad!!! This guy had a very bad cut on his head and his legs were crush. I felt soooo bad inside because I wanted to help take this guys pain away (and believe me he had a lot of it) my heart was just hurting so bad for him. I tried to do what I could for him and asked his name and just stood there talking to him until help arrived. As luck would have it Wayne's station was first on scene (However Wayne was not working that day). They ended up airvacing the guy out to the hospital. The other driver amazed me as he was up walking around (I think he was in total shock) they ended up taking him away in the ambulance. I have had a very hard time because I can't seem to get the images and screaming out of my mind. I don't know how Wayne handles all the things that he sees on a daily basis!?!

But all of this to say, life is so short! I want to ask all of you to please please please be careful when you are driving, take that extra time to stop at the light or look both ways before you go on a green light!!! If I would have pulled out like I had the right to (because both of these men ran the red light) they would have both hit me instead of eachother.
I love you all and I just want you to all be safe!!


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