Wow, it is hard for me to think that Christmas is just 1 week away! Wayne did a great job in doing almost all of the shopping and my job is to wrap! I like wrapping gifts anyway, so it works out perfect for me. Tonight we are going to make more cookies to give out to our neighbors!

Only 3 more days until we leave for our Pinetop trip with friends, we will be there for 3 days then come home for Christmas, then head out for Colorado!! Woo Hoo!!

Well, I better run, have to go pick up my car (having it serviced before our trip) Safety first, don't want any issues like our last trip to CO! Those of you who have seen the pictures and heard the story of our near death know what I am talking about.... :)



Have safe trips and a Merry Christmas!!!!
Tamara said…
sounds like loads of fun... what near death trip... never saw any photos!
Tamara said…
when you ganna post next???? Christmas is LONG since past!
ps Happy Bleated birthday by the way!

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